imagination of Feroj in IAS interview about!

Commendable.. however, he should know that it's Islam which has first given women the higher status in the world. It's Islam which has facilitated women by rights to education, rights to business, and rights to the consent of marriage. In fine, Islam is the only religion which has stated men and women equal in social, economic and political rights.
He gave 2 reasons why Islamic women bear low status in Community
1) There is no access to Modern education.
Firstly, what kind of modern education has been discussed, fruitfull education in every aspect is provided to them by Islam
Secondly he said Perda (Veil) hinder women to move forward and to grow in the society. Again there is a huge debate on it. As we try to find the reason behind one practice, we should do in this case as well. Hijab is for security and to give them respect in the society not to hinder them to grow. Sigh that our society has mis interpreted Islam and its beliefs and practices. But what is the reality is beyond contemplation of a narrow minded person. He has performed v well. But unfortunately couldn't defend his own religious thoughts.


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